For all the latest news and updates to RustedWorld, see #announcements in Discord.
Discord Booster benefits updated!
Some great new benefits for boosting our Discord Server include:
- An upgrade to your Discord Role status
- Access to the Server Log Channels server-log-1000x showing exactly what is happening on the Rust Server
- Additional Kits in game including:
- Additional Supply Signal
- Special Booster Metal Armour and AK Kit (see below)
- Upgraded to 35 teleports per day (usually 15)
- Upgraded to 60 second teleport cooldown (usually 2 minutes)
- Teleport within 25 seconds (usually 30 seconds)
- Upgrade to 4 /home’s (usually 2)
- In game Booster title
RustedWorld 2x Testing
Interested in being a part of the new RustedWorld 2x Test phase? Connect via the following in console, type: client.connect
This will be a pure vanilla 2x server. Mods/Plugins will only be cosmetic and not alter game play.
Provide your feedback in Discord/#suggestions
Easter Weekend
We are on new server hardware starting today with more CPU and Memory. If you’re connecting via IP please update your settings to reflect:
Join Discord if you haven’t already to find out the latest info:

Celebrating Level 1 Discord Server Boost
To celebrate reaching Level 1 Discord Server Boost we have implemented a brand new Booster role in Discord and Rust. As well as an elevated Discord Boosters Role, Boosters will receive a special AK kit 3x in the wipe and an additional Air Drop every 24 hours.
See if you can spot the new animated icon for our Discord Server!

1 Month of Diamond VIP++ Up For Grabs!
The player with the most PVP kills (excluding Deisel) on RustedWorld AU at the end of December will receive a whole month of Diamond VIP++ courtesy of last months Top Player, Deisel. Good luck!
RustedWorld Movember Giveaway!

To celebrate the new server host we will be giving away the new Rust Movember Moustache Skin to the player with the most PVP Kills on RustedWorld 1000x this month!
New Host!
RustedWorld has just moved to the NextDC B2 Brisbane Tier IV Gold Cert data centre ( and taking advantage of all the perks of a big data centre including DDoS protection, 100Gb speeds, 100% (T4) uptime, etc.
Find us in the modded server list “RustedWorld” or connect in the console by typing /client.connect
Vote for RustedWorld for in game Reward
Click the link below and then click Vote and follow the steps. Once completed type /vote in game to receive your Reward!

VIP Packages discount code
For one week we are offering Server Opening Specials on all VIP kits. Use code P4FA-82G6-FF37 to receive 10% any purchase.